As our lives hung in the delicate balance between life & death, there wasn’t a person on the planet who was not affected by the Covid-19 pandemic profoundly and who fearfully accepted that the subsequent quarantine was mandatory.
For some, it was the ultimate test of endurance faced bravely yet for others it was a lesson in what it meant to surrender, humbly.
For many, it was both …the place where resistance was rendered fiercely and submission tackled sublimely.
One thing is certain, though …
The pandemic granted us permission while asking us to make a decision.
Permission to not only to design a life but to make the decision that the life we design will be one that we love, absolutely…
Here are:
10 Things to Remember When Designing a Life that You Love:
Remember to appreciate the season of your life that you are in currently.
Find a space of happiness and gratitude in your life daily.
Follow these tips and do not be surprised that before you know it you will have designed a life that you love, absolutely!
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